Miller Brangus - 03/23/2013

Sale Information:

Miller Brangus Sale Facility, Waynesboro, TN

E.D., Bert & Doyle Miller
3762 Natural Bridge Rd/ Waynesboro, TN 38485
Doyle Miller: (615) 351-2783
Bert Miller: (901) 870-2300
Bart Pope, Ranch Mgr: (931) 722-0244
Email: [email protected] /


Schedule of Events:

Friday, March 22
  • All Day - Cattle Available for viewing
  • 6:30 PM - Dinner at Bradley's in Waynesboro, TN - Please make plans to join us
Saturday, March 23
  • 7:30 AM - Coffee and Pastries
  • 11:00 AM - Lunch served
  • 12:00 Noon - "Cattle You Can Count On" Female Sale
All cattle will be sold on video, so come early to study the offering.

Sale Contacts:

If you would like to place a bid on any lot but will not be able to be with us, please direct your phone bid to any of the sale staff listed.

Richard Hood | [email protected] | 979-224-6150
Mark Cowan | [email protected] | 903-495-4522
Trey Kirkpatrick | [email protected] | 979-324-5518
Brad Wright | [email protected] | 979-219-4599


Hurricane Inn | (931) 722-5579 | 550 Hwy 64 E | Waynesboro, TN
Embassy Inn | (931) 796-1500 | Hohenwald, TN
Richland Inn| (931) 762-0061 | Lawrenceburg, TN
Bear Inn | (931) 676-5552 | Clifton, TN
Hampton Inn Pickwick Dam at Shiloh Falls | (731) 689-3031 | Counce, TN